If you’ve been following me for a while now, and you’ve been wondering how you can actually profit from the ideas here, I want you to save this date on the calendar.
April 25th 7:00 PM ET
I’ll be hosting a LIVE Masterclass where I'm going to cover one of the best kept secrets in all of finance - the inner workings of the Asymmetric Trade.
You see, these types of trades have been used for years by some of the brightest financial minds of our time. People like “Big Short” Investor Michael Burry, Black Swan author Nassim Taleb, and billionaire hedge fund managers Bill Ackman and Ray Dalio.
I’ve personally used this strategy to take home some big returns in my own portfolio over the past 8 months. And I plan on revealing everything I know at this event.
We’ll cover things like:
• Why I believe 2024 could be the year of the asymmetric trade (and why I believe that if you want to profit you need to start getting in position now).
• A simple and easy to understand protocol I follow for spotting asymmetric trades (one that’s helped me take home some massive gains in my personal account and how you can use it in your own portfolio to shoot for massive returns).
• The exact techniques I’ve used to help a small group of ‘beta testers’ spot some of their own asymmetric trades over the last few months.
• How you can use these trades to beat volatility.
This event is completely free.
Listen, with the Fed announcements, elections and dozens of potential crises coming over the next year, this is one event you won’t want to miss.
All you have to do is click on the link and enter your email.
And I’ll see you there.
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